What is ICANN in Cyber Crime? [Updated 2024]

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What is ICANN in Cyber Crime? [Updated 2024]

What is ICANN in Cyber Crime?

To comprehend the role of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in cybercrime, it is essential to grasp ICANN’s fundamental position in the digital realm.  ICANN, founded in 1998 as a non-profit entity, plays a crucial role in upholding the worldwide connection and security of the Internet.  The major purpose of this organization is to synchronize the distinctive identifiers of the Internet, such as domain names and IP addresses, to maintain a stable and compatible online environment.


Although ICANN does not have a direct role in monitoring Internet content or preventing cybercrime, its regulatory authority over domain names and IP addresses has an indirect impact on cybersecurity efforts and tactics to combat online fraud and identity theft.  ICANN plays a vital role in providing a secure and dependable Internet, which is key in the ongoing fight against cybercrime.

In this article, we will find the main concepts and all the essential details related to the ICANN in cybercrime.

What is ICANN?

ICANN, an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is a nonprofit, private organization that administers the root server system, allocates Internet Protocol (IP) address space, assigns protocol parameters, and manages the domain name system (DNS). Historically, these tasks were carried out by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

What is ICANN

The pronunciation of ICANN is EYE-can, which translates to “I can attempt to manage the internet.”

Basic Principles of ICANN

ICANN, also known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, was founded in 1998 as a non-profit collaboration. Its primary function is to facilitate the coordination of global unique identifiers, maintaining the Internet’s security, stability, and interoperability. ICANN does not have direct control over the content or access of the Internet. However, it plays a crucial role in shaping the growth and development of the Internet by managing the Internet’s name system.

Basic Principles of ICANN

Role of ICANN in Cyber Crime

While ICANN’s major focus is not directly centered around cybercrime, its administration of domain names and IP addresses plays a crucial role in upholding the general security and stability of the Internet. ICANN plays a crucial role in avoiding cybercrime by enforcing the use of distinct domain names and IP addresses, which helps to mitigate online fraud and identity theft.

What is ICANN’s purpose and why is it important?

ICANN is a public-private partnership tasked with the following responsibilities regarding domain names and IP addresses:

  • Distribution of IP address range. ICANN oversees the distribution and allocation of IP version 4 and IP version 6 network addresses via five regional internet registries. These registries are responsible for assigning IP network addresses and other internet number resources within their respective regions.
  • Management of the top-level domain name system. ICANN manages the Domain Name System (DNS) by working with authorized domain registrars. Registrars have the authority to sell domain names.
  • Assignment of protocol identifiers. ICANN is responsible for managing protocol identifiers, such as reserved port numbers used by internet protocols and autonomous system numbers linked to global network routes.
  • Administration of top-level domains. Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) and country code are two types of domain names. Management of the Top-Level Domain name system.
  • Administration of the root domain name server system. ICANN is tasked with the responsibility of managing the root domain server system.

ICANN's purpose

These functions play a crucial role in preserving the stability of the worldwide internet and ensuring continuous global connectivity. ICANN must effectively reconcile the interests of local, national, regional, and international stakeholders to manage the DNS in a manner that is widely acceptable to the majority of internet users worldwide.

The 1998 memorandum of understanding (MoU) between ICANN and the U.S. Department of Commerce outlines the protocols for ICANN’s management of its designated responsibilities as an autonomous and global entity.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlined the subsequent guiding principles for ICANN:

Internet stability ICANN is responsible for overseeing domain registries, IP addresses, and other internet identifiers to maintain a stable networking environment.
Competition ICANN would oversee the management of DNS in a manner that encourages customer autonomy and fosters healthy market competition.
Bottom-up consensus ICANN would employ consensus-driven methodologies to address the requirements of individual internet users and the internet as a whole.
Representation ICANN aims to ensure inclusivity and representation of all members of the internet community, while effectively addressing the specific requirements of these groups.

ICANN Registry Fees

ICANN gathers three distinct categories of fees from domain registrars:

Annual accreditation fee The annual cost for all registrars is $4,000.
Variable fees The quarterly fee is the collective expense incurred by ICANN for delivering services to all registrants.
Transaction-based fees For each instance of adding, renewing, or transferring a domain, the domain name registrar charges a fee of $0.18, which is then remitted to ICANN.

These fees were implemented after the establishment of ICANN as an autonomous entity and the expiration of government contracts for the provision of domain and IP address services.

ICANN background and organizational structure

The initial members of the ICANN board were selected by the deceased Jonathan Postel, who led IANA. IANA obtained its jurisdiction through a contractual agreement with the U.S. government, which funded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, the precursor of the Internet.

ICANN background and organizational structure

The U.S. government proposed the establishment of ICANN as a global, autonomous organization to oversee the management of the internet’s systems and protocols, in response to the necessity of globalizing Internet governance and other related issues. The U.S. government effectively transferred authority over the internet to ICANN, but Network Solutions continued to handle domain name registration under a limited-time contract with the U.S. government.

The board of directors of ICANN consists of 16 directors with voting rights and four liaisons without voting rights. The majority of board members are recommended by various departments and committees within ICANN, while a non-voting liaison member is appointed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. The board of directors includes both the president and CEO of ICANN.

What Are Some of the Initiatives ICANN Is Working On?

ICANN in cybercrime is working on the following initiatives:

  1. Domain Name System (DNS):  This mechanism facilitates human access to the Internet by establishing a connection between sequences of letters (domain names) and IP addresses. This approach improves the adaptability and user-friendliness of the Internet.
  2. IP Address Coordination:  ICANN serves as a central repository for IP addresses, ensuring that there are no duplications or conflicts. It also distributes these addresses to regional registries.
  3. Management of Root Servers:  These servers are essential for the seamless operation of the Internet, as they store the primary index of the Internet’s address books.

Initiatives ICANN Is Working On

Why You Should Get Involved?

Engaging with ICANN in cybercrime is crucial for multiple reasons:

Influence on Internet Governance Engaging in ICANN provides a chance to actively contribute to the decision-making process that influences the future of the Internet.
Global Impact The activity of ICANN has a significant impact on the worldwide Internet community, and active participation guarantees the inclusion of a wide range of viewpoints.
Cyber Security and Stability Engaging in active engagement can enhance the security and stability of the Internet, which is of utmost importance in the current era of digital technology.

How Your Skills Can Make an Impact?

Your expertise, be it in IT, policy, security, or any other pertinent domain, can have a substantial influence on ICANN in cyber crime’s mission. As an example:

  • Technical Expertise: Proficiency in cybersecurity, domain name administration, and IP addressing can enhance the technical components of ICANN’s job.
  • Policy Development: Proficiency in policy-making can facilitate the creation and execution of regulations overseeing the distinctive identifiers of the Internet.
  • Global Collaboration: Proficiency in international collaboration and communication is crucial when collaborating with diverse factions inside ICANN to accomplish shared objectives.

ICANN in cyber crime's

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About ICANN in Cyber Crime

1: Who pays ICANN?

When you enroll in a domain on the Internet, you must go through a domain name registrar. The registrar then pays a nominal fee to ICANN in order to officially register your domain as part of the registration process.

2: What is the role of ICANN in Internet governance?

ICANN establishes contracts directly with registries and operates an accreditation scheme for registrars in relation to domain names. ICANN collaborates with the five regional Internet registries (RIRs) to establish policies for distributing and assigning unique numerical identifiers known as IP addresses.

3: What is ICANN and IANA?

IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, while ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

4: How much is ICANN?

ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, imposes a compulsory yearly fee of $0.18 for every year of domain registration, renewal, or transfer. As an illustration, the cost of registering a.com domain for one year is $0.18, whereas it is $0.36 for a two-year registration.

5: Who is ICANN CEO?

Sally Costerton is the present CEO of ICANN.  Since 2012, she has held the positions of Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE).  Additionally, she currently serves as ICANN’s interim president and chief executive officer.

6: What is ICANN domain name?

ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, does not possess or provide a domain name specifically associated with ICANN itself. ICANN’s primary role is to coordinate and manage the Domain Name System (DNS), which involves overseeing the allocation and maintenance of top-level domains such as .com, .org, .net, and others. This position entails the responsibility of guaranteeing the uniqueness of every domain name on the Internet and enabling the registration process of these domain names through authorized registrars. ICANN assumes a pivotal role in the architecture and administration of the Internet’s domain name system; however, it does not possess or market a distinct “ICANN domain name”.

7: What is the structure of the ICANN?

The organizational framework of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is characterized by a multi-tiered structure, comprising several entities that advocate for distinct interests within the realm of the Internet. The fundamental elements comprising its framework are:

  • Supporting Organizations,
  • Advisory Committees,
  • Technical Liaison Group,
  • Board of Directors, etc.

8: What is the difference between WHOIS and ICANN?

Whois is a prevalent online registry that provides information about the ownership of a domain and the means to establish communication with the owner. ICANN governs the process of registering and owning domain names.


In the bottom line, we would like to notify you that ICANN is a global organization that plays a crucial, although indirect, role in addressing cybercrime. ICANN plays a vital role in ensuring stability and security in the digital era by governing the domain name and IP address systems of the Internet. Although ICANN does not directly prevent cybercrime, its efforts to provide unique and well-regulated online identifiers make a substantial contribution to reducing cyber dangers and preserving the integrity of online interactions. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of ICANN’s role and responsibilities is crucial for comprehending the wider framework of cybersecurity and the intricate strategy required to effectively combat cybercrime in our progressively interconnected world.

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