
What is Data Privacy? [Updated 2024]

Data Privacy has become the main concern for companies working in the IT Sector for years because of the continuous execution of malicious attacks by adversaries. Moreover, these attacks are impacting a huge amount of users in the chain (Users, Employees, and Organizations). Thus, to protect ourselves from such mischievous attempts, we need tricks for data

What is Blockchain Security? A Quick Guide [Updated 2024]

Introduction: Blockchain technology, which is frequently lauded as a transformative force across multiple industries, is essentially a decentralized system for recording and storing information.  Although blockchain is widely recognized for its prominent role in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, its fundamental concepts have significant potential implications in several domains, extending beyond financial applications.  These implications span

What is a Security Breach? [Updated 2024]

Every single day we hear about Security Breaches around the world happening and causing huge losses for companies and individuals associated with them. However, we need to think of a better plan to save people from becoming victims of such attacks. If you are keen to know how security breaches happen and how you could save

Network Forensics Tools and Software [Updated 2024]

Network forensics tools and software can help forensic investigators solve cyber attack cases faster by identifying the evidence left by the adversaries. Moreover, this article will teach you how network forensics tools and software prevent more cyberattacks from occurring. Daily, people confront cyberattacks in the world without the preparation of any security measures or data

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